RCSS trip to Belgium 1958 (?)
Photos courtesy of Terry Tozer
Departing from Rye Station. Terry Tozer is in the middle of the photo (fair hair). Eve Rogerson is second from left (standing) Peter Care is standing on the right at the back. Terry thinks that Mike and Paul Rogerson, Eve’s sons, who were at RGS, were also on the trip. That may be Miss Welsh sitting down in the front row.
Terry Tozer in the middle of the photo – at the Crusader’s Gate.
The school visits Brussels
RGS pre O-level visit to Dieppe: August 1961
From Heather Rendall (nee Bather)

RGS School Cruise on the SS Dunera- 1965
– SS Dunera
Thanks to Penni Stretton for the picture.
RGS School Cruise – SS Nevasa: Autumn, 1968
Keith (Moggy) Matthews recalls the 1968 School Cruise on the SS Nevasa
‘As I remember, the trip was a joint exercise between East Sussex and Hampshire Education Authorities. We were accompanied by Stan and Mrs Jones and Lois Benton and we couldn’t have had better chaperones!
I made a super 8 cine film of the cruise. The film has had only one public airing in the past 49 years. That was in the school hall at RGS just after we came home. I have transferred the film to a DVD – here it is!
We left Southampton in the rain and our first port of call was Tarragona where we docked late afternoon. The sixth form were allowed to go ashore provided we didn’t visit the dock area. Needless to say, some of us did and got rather drunk on cheap (4d a glass) vino tinto. A boy from a Hampshire school was sent home after drunkenly trying to run through a plate glass door.
Our next port of call was Livorno (Leghorn) on the west coast of Italy. From here we visited Firenze (Florence). We were supposed to have gone on to the leaning tower of Pisa but our coach driver got lost en route.
From Liverno we sailed to Naples from where we took a day trip to Rome where we visited the usual sights such as the Coliseum and St Peter’s. We also had an audience with the Pope – along with several hundred others. The final part of the journey back still stick in my mind. The coach driver stopped at a service area for refreshment and comfort breaks. As usual, Stan told us not to drink, but being teenagers we didn’t all heed his advice. As a consequence one or two of the girls had a very uncomfortable ride over the cobbled streets of Naples. No loos on board 1960s coaches! Whilst docked in Naples we also visited Pompeii and Solfatara.
Leaving Naples we sailed through the Straits of Messina between Italy and Sicily on to Itea in Greece. We ere treated (as I remember it) to a rather hair-raising return coach ride to the ancient ruins of Delphi.
After that we sailed up to Venice from where we flew back to Gatwick on a Laker Airways 1-11. Unfortunately we were on one of the first flights back so we didn’t get to look around Venice.
Apart from Lois and Stan and his wife I have identified from the film I made the following RGS students being on the trip –
Eric Uglow, Peter Easton, Katie Bell, Geoff Boxall, Julia Rudkin Jones, Nick Jury, Janet Chapman, Peter Jones, heather Murrell, Sarah Nash, Sally Woodhams, Jennifer Hales and Richard Crawford-Jones. Apologies to those I can’t remember and even more apologies if I have identified you but you weren’t there. It was almost 50 years ago!
I am now living in retirement in Beckley with Belle, my wife of 40 years, enjoying walking, bread-making, and doing a bit of amateur magic for the grandchildren. If anyone remembers me and wants to say hello, my email address is keithandbelle@btinternet.com
Rye County Secondary School Trip to the Lake District (or Peak District)
Cathy Ford (nee Boyce) has provided this photo which was taken in the Lake District (or possibly) the Peak District. Cathy says ‘It was an RCSS organised trip which I was invited on (as a last year primary school pupil) because the trip was one person short. We did a lot of walking carrying rucksacks and it all got a bit too much for me. Hardy boys were drafted in and my pack was split between these chaps and they did the carrying for me. I was so embarrassed but more than grateful.
From the left the photo shows Sarah Wilson, Elaine Kilpatrick and me – Catherine Boyce.
Thomas Peacocke skiing trip – early 1980s
Barry Fuller writes: ‘I was on that ski trip designated ‘Early 80s’ above. As was, Pat Bean, (Needlework), Terry and Joan Spencer, (PE and SEN, as it was called,) and Bob Beckwith, (Science). That trip was to Innsbruck. I cannot state which year definitively, as we went there many times. The trips were a joint organisation put together by Bob ‘Woody’ Beckwith, (who had contacts within the Innsbruck Tourist Board) and organised within the school be Terry Spencer. We stayed at a wonderful, family run hotel, situated on the banks of the River Inn and run by the Family Heidegger, who always treated us royally. They remain some of the best school ski trips I’ve ever been on.
In the picture above, from the left, facing the camera, I can identify Robert Nunn, (son of Joan Nunn, Home Economics teacher at TPS), ?, ?, James Nunn, (Robert’s elder brother) and, far right is Daniel ‘DoDo’ Owen, son of Mary Owen, who was, at the time the Editor of the local Rye weekly paper.
Frustrated not to remember the names of the other two as these 5 were some of the nicest students I ever taught.’
Vivienne Winterbottom on a school trip to France in 1966
Picture courtesy of Richard Robinson.
Jane Cole and MaryClare Phillips
Jane and MaryClare paddling in the Thames on a school Photographic Society trip to Windsor probably in 1968. Mr White and Miss Getley were also on the trip.
Picture and comment courtesy of Richard Robinson.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]