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Message regarding the 2nd Rye Guides

The following message has been received from our friend Lois Benton:

The School Guide Unit, originally the 2nd Rye (Rye Grammar School) Guides is 100 years old this year. The Unit is still going, and now meets at the Hub  on the Hill at Rye Hospital. The Unit will be celebrating the occasion on Saturday 28th September 2024 at the Hub on the Hill, Kiln Drive, Rye TN31 7SQ, from  1400-1600hrs. They would love any former Guides to attend, and any other Guides they might still be in touch with –  plus their memories/memoirs!       There will be refreshments and a raffle to help the Unit with an international adventure next year.  R.S.V.P. by 31 August 2024 to: I think that this is something that everyone should know about, and be proud of. With many thanks and best wishes, Lois.

Well done to Braydon Robus and his partner Izzie!

From Janine Robus – Braydon’s Mum

Just an update, from Sarajevo. Braydon (who lives in Rye and goes to Rye College Aquinas Trust ) with his kata partner Izzie, have made history yesterday. They are the first GBR kata pairing to ever medal at the European Judo Union Kata Championships, let alone achieving a GOLD medal. They also do adaptive kata, and again this was a first at this level of competition.
Thank you to everyone that supported these 2 athletes over the last 5 weeks since we were told that they had been selected to represent GBR. Thank you to people who sponsored via the gofundme page, Licence 2 Kale , Derek Baldock sport fund (Rye old scholars association), Rye College.

Current Rye College Newsletters – New Page

We have added a new page entitled Current Rye College Newsletters. We believe that this will be of interest to our members as the newsletters gives a lot of information as to what is happening in today’s Rye College. We hope you enjoy reading these!

Appeal for Information

We have received the following question via the College. If you are able to assist then please let me know via

“I am writing to enquire about someone who may have studied here. Her name is/was Sally Ann Edmed and she is my biological grandmother.
She put my mother up for adoption in 1982 and I am trying to find any information on Sally. If she did study here it would’ve have been around 1973 but I’m not sure how long this college has been running for. It would be great if you do have any information that you can give me but I understand if you can’t. Maybe if you do have any information on where she might be maybe someone could let her know I am interested in knowing her.”

First grant from the Derek Baldock Memorial Sports Fund awarded

The ROSA Committee are pleased to announce the first recipient of a grant from the Derek Baldock Memorial Sports Fund. Braydon Robus, age 16 and a pupil of the Rye College, has been awarded £300 to assist in his costs incurred in representing Great Britain at the European Adaptive Kata (Judo) Championships which take place in Sarajevo, Bosnia on 10th – 11th June 2024.
We are sure that Derek’s family will agree that Braydon is such a worthy recipient of this the first grant.
There are full details regarding the sport and highlighting why this is such a worthy grant which can be seen through the following link:
A previous article regarding Braydon’s achievements featured in the Rye News on 28th March this year and can be seen again here:…/championing-adaptive-kata
The Derek Baldock Memorial Sports Fund was set up in 2023 by the family of Derek after the passing of one of our Old Scholars who was a very popular local businessman and a former well known local footballer and cricketer. The aim of the fund is to support those individuals with a keen interest and flair for a sport who wish to develop their ambitions and potential career prospects within sport. Grants of up to £300 can be used for the purchase of equipment, or to attend training/coaching courses or general costs relevant to their sport. If you believe that you may be eligible for a grant you can contact the ROSA Secretary Mrs. Judith Blincow at The Mermaid Inn, Rye TN31 7EY or email her at


Article in the Rye News 16th May 2024

Use it or lose it


Kt Bruce

May 16, 2024


Rye Old Scholars’ Association (ROSA) is the old scholars’ association for Thomas Peacocke School in Rye and it is looking to recruit more members, especially pupils from the 1990s and 2000s.

School days can bring back good or bad memories, or even a mixture of both. Why are school memories important? They influence our behaviour, shape our identity, and contribute to our general well-being. They are the building blocks to our emergence of adulthood and often the profound effects of what we did there, how well we coped, and what friends we made do not resonate with us until we are much older and look back on those early years.

Kevin Moore, a member of ROSA committee and pupil at Thomas Peacocke School 1968-1975 has found himself recently doing just that – looking back:

“I suppose I had entered my fifties when I first noticed that I became a lot more reflective about things generally and about my own life in particular. As we advance through our adult years, we are very busy with our families and work and there seems little time available to think about the past.

“However, social media had started to come to the fore and my wife Ann had joined the now long-forgotten Friends Reunited. She had noticed that some of her former school friends and indeed some of mine had posted entries on that site. As a result, I decided to create my own post which led to some of my former school friends responding. Looking back, I believe that this was when my reflections about my school life and its influence on me started to take shape.

“I discovered and joined the Rye Old Scholars’ Association (ROSA) and was intrigued to read entries in the annual bulletin written by former pupils and indeed teachers. Some I knew and some I didn’t but each and every one was interesting, especially those written by pupils who detailed what they had been doing since they had left school. It encouraged me to respond similarly.

6th form photos Thomas Peacocke 1975

“I then attended a couple of reunions for those who, like me, had attended the Thomas Peacocke School in 1970s. It was great to catch up with so many people. Sadly, there were no other members of my actual school year but that did not detract from the overall experience. It seemed logical for me to join the ROSA committee when I stopped working in 2018 and had more time available. I have thoroughly enjoyed the experience and together with my wife Ann, also a former pupil, we have enjoyed getting involved in the annual lunches, helping to organise the various reunions and, in my case, writing articles for the annual ROSA bulletin. As the years have passed I have come to appreciate how my school years helped to mould me for me for my future. This was not so much academically but more in the way of helping to shape my personality and who I am and I am extremely grateful for this.

“I appreciate that not everyone’s experiences of their school years are positive. However, we all made friends and I have recently been in contact regularly with one of mine whom I had not seen since I left school in 1975.

“One of the really positive things to happen recently has been the creation of the Generation X Fund. This was started by Rebekah Gilbert, a former pupil, during her time as mayor of Rye with money being allocated to the cause through her fundraising. This has been added to since through fundraising at our reunions. Former students can access amounts of up to £300 to help them in setting up a business, attending courses relevant to their professional development or even purchasing tools and equipment.

“I, like my other ROSA committee members, am keen to see our organisation continue to develop and advance. To do this, we need to increase our membership especially in relation to those who attended the school / college during the 1990s and 2000s. Those individuals will now be in or approaching their 40s and maybe starting to reflect more on the years that have passed. Hopefully, like me, this will include thinking about their school years. Remember the saying – if you don’t use it you lose it. If we do not continue to develop ROSA, in a few years from now it will sadly cease to exist and that would be a great shame.

“Please therefore consider joining our wonderful organisation and getting involved. We would love to hear from you, especially if you have any photographs or other memorabilia which can be added to our website. You can learn more by contacting me on 07935 130206 or email”


Image Credits: Kevin Moore archives , Kevin Moore archives .

Can You Help??

We have recently had the school/college’s honours board showing the names of the Head Boys and Head Girls for each year of the school/college’s existence. However, we have a gap for the year of 1961. If you can assist with the names please email me Kevin Moore via


New Website Masters

As of 1st November 2023, Kevin Moore is the Webmaster for the ROSA Website. He can be contacted via email Phone: 07935 130206
Following the very sad and sudden passing of our former webmaster Tim Rothwell in December . A training session was held today (Feb 15th 2023) with our Website creator Oliver Campion who has now spent time with our new trio of “webbies” Judith Blincow, Kevin Moore and Richard Moore whose contact details are within the web pages .They  will now be adjusting, amending and creating news and words on this very special site. Tim will be a hard act to follow so please bear with us in the early days of taking over.

Maureen Getley

Lois Benton has sent Richard Moore the very sad news that Maureen Getley, who taught history at RGS and then the Thomas Peacocke School for so many years, was a wonderful friend to ROSA, and a regular attendee at our annual lunches, passed away on 13 March 2022 in Castlemaine Care Home in St Leonards, following a fall.

A Service of Thanksgiving for the life of Maureen Getley will be held at Rye Baptist Church, Cinque Ports Street, Rye, TN31 7AN at 12.30p.m. on Friday 22 April.

Ray Fooks, MBE

Very sad news to report I’m afraid that Ray Fooks MBE died last Tuesday (25 May) at the Lady Nuffield Home in Oxford. Mr Fooks was headteacher of Thomas Peacocke School for many years. He was his normal active and happy self until almost the end, seeing family and taking part in a drawing class within a few days of his death. He was 89. His ashes will be buried in Dorset alongside his beloved wife Marjorie. 
This news has come from his son in law Nick who requested it should be circulated.
A suitable tribute will be included at a later date in the ROSA Bulletin and on the ROSA website.
In the meantime, a Memorial Page has been set up for tributes, messages and stories.
Best Wishes
Richard Moore, Chair, ROSA


With great regret and much sadness, in view of the coronavirus pandemic the ROSA Committee have decided to postpone the AGM and Lunch scheduled for Sunday 17 May 2020. We hope you understand.
We may be able to rearrange for later in the year. Otherwise, we look forward to seeing you in better times next May.
If you have already paid and would like a refund, please email Judith Blincow at


Legacy left to ROSA

Richard Moore reports

‘I received a letter today 21 November 2019 which contained the following:

In line with the wishes of Peter Derek Webb who sadly passed away in March, we are very happy to enclose a cheque for £1,000.00 to be used for the benefit of the Old Scholars.

Peter was very proud to be an “Old Scholar” and whenever possible attended the annual reunions. This legacy was amongst his last wishes so please use this as you see fit.

I know he would want me to say thank you for the great work you carry out to ensure that all “Old Scholars” are kept up to date with things and hopefully the members will enjoy this legacy.’

Any ideas as to how ROSA might best use this very generous gift?

Leasam House for Sale – November 2019

Leasam House is for sale.
(Thanks to Sam Lambourne for letting us know)
Details are here – looks as if it’s changed a bit from the days it was part of RGS!


George Hotel, Rye – Fire 20 July 2018

Roof of the George Hotel, Rye, badly damaged by fire on Saturday 20 July.

ROSA Bulletin 2018

With thanks as always to Richard Moore for his hard work, the ROSA Bulletin 2018 is now available here

School Magazines -RX and RYA

We are pleased to have available some editions of RX, the magazine of Rye County Secondary Modern School and RYA, the magazine of Rye Grammar School. We have probably exhausted the supply of RXs, but there are several more editions of RYA available in the archive, which we hope to upload over time.

If anyone has any editions that they are prepared to lend us to upload, please email Tim Rothwell at

We have created a new page – School Magazines: RX and RYA – here

ROSA 1960s reunion

A report and photos of the 1960s reunion held on 22 September 2018 are available here

ROSA email list

In circulating emails for the ROSA 60s reunion, it is clear that not all ROSA members are receiving the regular website update emails.

If you have found this website, but do not receive email updates, please send you email address to Tim Rothwell – and he will add you to the list.

News about Saltcote

On 18 August 2018, ROSA President Richard Moore received the following update about Saltcote, following last year’s fire:

Saltcote Place has probably never looked so good. Following the fire of April 2017 we have been working with the insurance company and a great team of builders to restore Saltcote to its original condition.
We have now moved into what the Saltcote Girls will refer to as Bodiam and have planning permission to install double bifold doors from the old dining room directly out under the Loggia.
The fire destroyed the former conservatory as well as the adjoining room and the balustrade above. Extensive smoke damage meant the vast majority of the building needed to be painted both inside and out. Some of the damage and newly refurbished rooms can be seen on Instagram – for those without an account you can still view the content without an account
We are extremely grateful to Rye Fire Brigade who are simply amazing, having dialled 999 at 4pm the fire was actually under control 8 and a half minutes later with two appliances in attendance. Both Rye conservation society and Rother Planning department have been extremely responsive and very supportive making the recovery process a lot easier than it could otherwise have been.
With the new configuration the focus moving forwards is going to be Family events especially Wedding Anniversaries and Weddings although we will probably not be doing more than 12 Weddings a year.
Not all of the new images are on the website but we hope to have that addressed over the next few weeks.
Kind Regards
Paul and Alan
Tel 01797 222220

Richard Merricks Room

Rye Cricket Club have named the upstairs room at the Cricket Pavilion on the Salts after Richard Merricks, who died last year. Richard, known as Rick, an RGS old scholar, was a lifelong cricket fan. The report of the opening of the Room on 6 August and the cricket match that accompanied it can be read in Rye News here
Those attending the 1960s reunion on Saturday 22 September will get a chance to see the Richard Merricks Room as the reunion is being held the year the cricket pavilion.

David Crew – View from the Strand

Local artist David Crew, who attended Rye Primary and then Rye Grammar Schools, has recently had an exhibition of his work shown at the Rye Art Gallery. (Many Ryers will remember David’s father, Sergeant Crew, the much-respected local ‘bobby’.) The exhibition was entitled View from the Strand. The cover of the Gallery programme for January-June 2018 shows David’s painting Driftwood.

David has written about his exhibition in Rye News, and his article, which also contains further examples of his work, can be read here

The article has also been published in the March 2018 edition of Fixtures. In his article, David pays tribute to two ‘inspirational art teachers’ at RGS, Kitty French and Jill Elliot.

Britain At Low Tide

Although not strictly ROSA related, ROSA members might like to know, if they don’t already, that the first episode in the new series of Channel 4’s Britain At Low Tide screened on Saturday 17 February 2018 featured East Sussex.  It includes film and discussions about Rye, Smeaton’s Harbour at Winchelsea Beach and the petrified forest at Pett Level, amongst other things.

It is available for the next three weeks on the catch-up channel All Four here

Brian Dennis has sent in the following comment:

‘We saw the programme last week and found the piece about Smeaton’s Harbour at Winchelsea Beach of particular interest. My grandfather, Robert Victor Cooke owned Holfords Farm, which is close to Dogs Hill. Sadly now a caravan park!

ROSA members might find the following book of interest which includes a whole chapter on Smeaton’s Harbour. The book was written by Michael and Ruth Saville. Ruth was a relative of mine on the Cooke side – my mother’s first cousin:

A Changing Shore – An Illustrated Account of Winchelsea Beach. ISBN 0-9548390-2-1

ROSA Bulletin – 2017

This has now been distributed and is available here

RYA magazine

May 2017’s edition of Rye’s Own contains an article on RYA, the Rye Grammar School magazine. Rye’s Own have been given a collection of RYA from 1946-1951, and the May issue contains some interesting excerpts from the 1951 edition.

Of interest to ROSA members, the editorial for Spring 1951 says that complaints had been made about the inclusion of Old Scholars’ contribution to RYA. In sticking by its decision to print contributions from Old Scholars, the editorial says the following:

‘In our view Rye Grammar School is more than a place where a number of children are taught together. ..It is a fellowship of staff, pupils, scholars who have left, and scholars who are to come. The rules, privileges and traditions that are ours today have been handed down to us by those who have left and must be handed on to those who come after us.’

Not a bad philosophy in some ways of what ROSA is about today.

Rye’s Own is on sale in outlets in Rye and the surrounding area, and can be bought by subscription. More details can be found on the Rye’s Own Facebook page here

ROSA Bulletins

We have now added copies of the ROSA Bulletins from 2009 until 2017 inclusive on this site. Please go to the ROSA Bulletins heading on the Menu to find the links.

Contributions to the website

We are very grateful for the contributions (and kind words!) we have received since we launched the website in February 2017. We have included the contributions on the website, and have opened up a new category -MEMORIES. But we could do with lots more!

Please email any you have to


ROSA Website Launched!

It has taken some time, to say the least, for the ROSA website to see the light of day, but finally we have one. As you will see, it is very much a work in progress and there’s lots more to be added but we have made a start – only seven years after we first promised members a website!

The website will enable us to tell members about developments, news etc throughout the year, and we promise we will keep it up to date!

We hope that the areas we have included are the right ones, but please let us know if there is anything you would like to see included – or not included!

We want to make this your website,  and it will only be interesting and relevant if we add new material regularly. We therefore make a heartfelt plea for you to send us corrections, additions, articles, news items, photos etc – in fact anything you think might be of interest. We would prefer it if you could email your contributions. Please send them to Tim Rothwell at

If you would rather send them by snail mail, please send them to

Tim Rothwell, Breanross, Pett Road, Pett, Hastings, East Sussex, TN35 4HA

We look forward to hearing from you.