News and subscriptions go hand in hand keeping the ROSA Website and the ROSA Bulletin alive. Subscriptions are £5 per annum. Life Membership at £25 offers great value for money.
To join one of the oldest old scholars’ associations, please send a cheque payable to R.O.S.A to:
Mrs Judith Blincow, ROSA Secretary, The Mermaid Inn, Mermaid Street, Rye, East Sussex, T31 7EY
indicating the type of membership you would like.
If you would like to make a donation to ROSA, in particular to help with the costs, which we keep to a minimum, of running the website, you can send a cheque to Judith at the above address. It would be very helpful if you could let us know your current email address when you contact Judith.
You can also set up a standing order to pay your annual subscription:
Account Name: Rye Old Scholars
Bank Details: Sort Code 60-18-09 Account No. 59114479.
Thank you very much for your support.