1970s Reunion – Saturday 21 October 2023
1960s REUNIONS – 15 OCTOBER 2022
— and in the evening of 15 October
More details from Kevin Williams
Rock Jive and Twist memories from Graham Williams
I was talking to my old school pal Roger (Williams) the other day on the phone and we discussed our memories of the first session we organised back in 1963. We can’t recall who had the initial idea but there was a small number of students involved such as me, Roger, Keith Fitzhugh, Paul Oliver and Duncan Day. There may have been others but Roger and I were certainly leading the pack as it were and we were “supervised” by Mr Dipper. I can vividly recall playing records on an old fairly solid record player with an internal amplifier at the side of the stage behind the curtains with varied loudspeakers attached and one thing was certain, we had never heard our records played so loudly. We were trying to remember what records we played and came up with a few definites, such as:
This session was the first of several we organised so some of the above may well have been not played until the second session. I think I played Surf City at every session funny enough.
I thought perhaps you might be interested in above seeing that it was the first we ever had.
Brother Grahams (Williams)
1960s REUNION 2018
Saturday 22 September 2018 – Sidney Allnutt Cricket Pavilion, Rye