AGM and Annual Lunch

ROSA AGM and Spring Lunch

The traditional ROSA Spring Lunch was held on Sunday 12th May 2024 and followed the AGM. The events were well attended with 33 people present. The lunch itself was superb as usual and our grateful thanks go to Judith and her staff who had to overcome the logistical problem of a sink hole in the car park! Everybody had an enjoyable time and as is tradition, our Chairman  Richard presented all of those in attendance with a jar of his various jams and marmalades.

A group photo is included below of those in attendance.

As regards the AGM, the following were re-elected:

President – Barry Blakelock (Barry has moved to a more strategic role now and therefore an approach is to be made to the current Principal of the college to see if he would be prepared to stand as it is felt that he would provide the necessary day to day contact)

Chairman – Richard Moore

Secretary/Assistant Secretary – Judith Blincow/Claire Spacey

Treasurer – Judith Blincow

Bulletin Editors – Richard Moore & Gordon Boxall plus committee members

Website Editor/Social Media – Kevin Moore

Press Officer – Margaret O’Neill

Committee – in addition to the above John Breeds and Andrew Spacey




Our AGM and Lunch will take place on Sunday June 18th  at the Mermaid Inn. AGM will commence at 12 noon with lunch guests arriving 12.45 for 1pm start.

This years Menu will be displayed shortly. Reservations now being taken.

Please email

No doubt as is tradition now, a jar of marmalade or jam will presented as a souvenir of the occasion.



The ROSA AGM and Annual Lunch were held on a Sunday (for the first time) – 13 May 2018, at the Mermaid Inn, Rye. As usual, our grateful thanks go to Judith Blincow and her team for all their hard work in organising the day and providing, as ever, a fantastic lunch.

Although the fact that it was held on a Sunday created problems for some, overall the general view was that it was a good day of the week to choose. But we’d be happy to hear your views about this.


The AGM was attended by ten or so old scholars – an improvement on last year.

Here is the agenda:


We received a number of apologies for absence, but the good news is that some of those said they would be attending the 60s reunion in September. It is looking as if we will be having a good attendance at that.

The minutes of last year’s meeting (below) were then agreed.

Sue Moore, the ROSA Treasurer, presented the accounts for the year ended 31 December 2017 (see below).

As you can see, the finances are in a fairly healthy position. This is partly due to some very generous donations we have received in the past year, including one given to us on 13 May (this is not shown in the accounts as they deal with the position up until the end of 2017).

Next came the election of officers. The meeting noted with great sadness the passing in November 2017 of Margery Nettle (nee Odell) who had been a hard-working ROSA Committee Member for many years. ROSA was well-represented at Margery’s thanksgiving service in Rye Church just before Christmas. (See the Obituaries page )

The officers for 2018/2019 are as follows:

President            Richard Moore

Chairman          Tim Rothwell

Treasurer           Sue Moore

Secretary            Judith Blincow/Claire Spacey

Bulletin Editors Richard Moore/Gordon Boxall (and Committee help)

Press Officer:     Margaret O’Neill

Website:              Tim Rothwell

Committee:       John Breeds   Andrew Spacey  Claire Spacey  Shirley Bannister

Tim Rothwell reported that there had been a very encouraging response to his email asking members to confirm whether they wished to continue receiving updates – only a few have not responded so far, and several new names have been added.

The meeting then noted that the 60s reunion is being held on Saturday 22 September 2018 from 7pm. The venue, the Richard Merricks Room at the Sidney Allnutt Pavilion  on the Rye Cricket Salts  has very appropriate ROSA connections. Admission is by ticket on the door price £10, including a buffet supper. There is a licensed bar.

The meeting was reminded that the 70s reunion will be held on Saturday 21 September 2019. If the venue for the 60s reunion proves a success, the 70s reunion may also be held at the Sidney Allnutt Pavilion.

There being no further business, members proceeded to enjoy the Annual Lunch.


There were 34 members and their partners, family and friends at the Annual Lunch.  As ever, Judith Blincow and her team provided wonderful fare and service, and Richard Moore continued his now well-established tradition of generously providing jars of his famous home-made marmalade and jam. All attendees seemed to be of the view that the day had been a great success. Here are some photos.



ROSA AGM – 5 May 2017

The ROSA AGM was held on Friday 5 May 2017 at the Mermaid Inn, Rye before the Annual Lunch (see below).

The main points arising from the AGM are as follows.

  • Finance 

Overall, there was a deficit for the year 1 January – 31 December 2016 of £379.63. This was due to the fact that income from subscriptions and donations was significantly lower than the previous year, partly because no major fund-raising event was held during the year. In addition, there was a one-off expenditure of £120 involved in setting-up the website. There will be similar expenditure for the current financial year in maintaining the site. Given this, and in the light of the positive and encouraging feedback we have received on the website, it would be great if ROSA members, especially life-members, felt able to make a small donation to support this new and important activity.

If you do feel able to do this, please send a cheque to our Secretary, made payable to Rye Old Scholars’ Association, at the following address:

Mrs Judith Blincow, ROSA Secretary, The Mermaid Inn, Mermaid Street, Rye, East Sussex, T31 7EY

ROSA bank account details are as follows:

Account Name: Rye Old Scholars

Sort Code 60-18-09 Account No. 59114479.

Committee Membership

The following were proposed and seconded as the Committee Members for the year 2017/18:

President  Mr Richard Moore

Chairman and Website Manager Mr Tim Rothwell

Treasurer Mrs Susan Moore

Secretary Mrs Judith Blincow

Bulletin Editor Mr Richard Moore

Press Officer Mrs Margaret O’Neill

Overseas Correspondent Mr Gordon Boxall

Committee Mrs Shirley Bannister, Mr John Breeds, Mrs Margery Nettle,

Mr Andrew Spacey, Mrs Claire Spacey

The AGM stressed the importance of having greater Committee representation from the Thomas Peacocke and Rye College years. The Committee would be delighted if you are from that era and would like to join the Committee, or know someone who is and would be interested. If so, please contact our Secretary, Mrs Judith Blincow at

The Committee meets 2 to 3 times a year, usually at the Mermaid in convivial surroundings. There may be the occasional commitment in helping out at social and fund-raising events.

  • Website

The AGM was updated on the progress being made regarding the website, which was launched in February. Its use is being monitored through Google Analytics and it is encouraging that it seems to have been well-received. We have also had some encouraging feedback. Although it is kept to a minimum, as mentioned in the Finance Report above there is a need to spend resources on the website from time to time, including the annual fee to the company that hosts the site.

For the site to remain interesting, it is vital that it contains new material on a regular basis. We are planning to include more photographs and items from the past in the coming months, but would be delighted if you can send us any material that you think might be of interest. If you do have such items, please send them to the website manager, Tim Rothwell, at

Annual Lunch – Mermaid Inn: 5 May 2017

For a variety of reasons, numbers at the annual lunch were down this year but those attending still had a great time and enjoyed a wonderful meal. Many thanks to Judith Blincow and Claire Spacey of the Mermaid Inn and their colleagues, as well as thanks as always to our President Richard Moore for providing guests with the traditional gift of his home-made preserves. This year saw the introduction of the intriguing Prosecco Marmalade!

Here are a just a few photos from the lunch.

 Margaret O’Neill makes a point to Jen Tomkinson

Neil Perry has heard something interesting

Martin Blincow in conversation with Miss Getley with Judith Blincow listening in

 Keith Thompson and Julia Ann Fuggle

 Jen and David Tomkinson

Sadly, this year the weather was unseasonably too cold for a group photo. Perhaps next year….